Part 224: 1/31/10 Part 2
1/31/10Wed defeated Strega, but our problems were only starting.
Video- The Nyx Avatar


The moons warped !?

A dark shape began to form in front of the moon.

And the Avatar of Death descended upon Tartarus.

Nyx Avatar: That was my name for a time
I didnt mind it.

Nyx Avatar: I am merely a harbinger of the Fall Though it would be more correct to say that is what I once was.
There is no longer a distinction to be made between Nyx and myself

Ill defeat you, no matter what you are!
Nyx Avatar: I see Then, you must already know.
What people fear most What they try to ignore
That is what I am.

For having been a human for a while, he still didnt understand the very first thing about us.

Nyx Avatar: Will you still face me? There must be trembling in your hearts

But who cares about that right now? I got too much to live for!

Being really alive means not turning away from death
So I wont turn and cower, not even to you!

Nyx Avatar: I see.

Nyx Avatar: Come to me, Aelita

Nyx shes coming!
Im also sensing multiple Shadows approaching from the lower floors!

This is the final battle
Failure is not an option!
Because every day were alive we defy death.
Video- The Battle For Everyones Soul

Bear Witness
Final Boss: Nyx Avatar
First of all kick that video up and bask in the sweet radiance of Battle for Everyones Souls.
So, the Nyx Avatar is a very strange boss. At first, the only thing itll do on its turn is what you see above, where it taunts you. This will last until you reduce its health to zero, at which point youll be introduced to the first gimmick of the fight.

Nyx Avatar: Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope.
Yes, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed
Attaining ones dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination.
At which point the Avatars Arcana changes from Fool to Magician. So yeah, the fight starts with a set of short forms with different attacks and elemental properties, one for each Arcana from Fool to Hanged Man. Theyre all pretty predictable, since they all fit the themes of the Personas and Shadows of those Arcana youve seen through the game. Most of them shouldnt last more than a full turn of hitting them. One thing to note is that these forms are a bit more dangerous than they were in original P3, because they have much better thought through spell lists. Anyway everyone whos familiar with this game has been waiting for this set of quotes so lets get them through and get to the real fight.

Priestess: The silent voice within ones heart whispers the most profound wisdom.
Empress: Celebrate lifes grandeur its brilliance its magnificence
Emperor: Only courage in the face of doubt can lead one to the answer
Hierophant: It is indeed a precious gift to understand the forces that guide oneself
Lovers: There is both joy and wonder in coming to understand another
Chariot: One of lifes greatest blessings is the freedom to pursue ones goals.
Justice: To find the one true path, one must seek guidance amidst uncertainty
Hermit: It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge ones own path
Fortune: Alongside time exists fate, the bearer of cruelty.
Strength: Only with strength can one endure suffering and torment.
Hanged Man: In the face of disaster lies opportunity for renewal.
And when you finish that form

Nyx Avatar: Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope.
Yet, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed
Beyond the beaten path lies the absolute end.
It matters now who you are Death awaits you.

So yeah, Nyxs main form has the Death Arcana and resists everything. Lets talk a bit about Nyxs attacks now. Shes got dyne level elemental magic, various physical skills, and Almighty Attack. This skill hits the entire party for Almighty damage and is able to be critical. Shell tend to toss out debuffs when she gets a One More. If this was all Nyx did shed be tough but not bad. This is not all that Nyx does.

Once you see this taunt, Nyx will start using a skill called Moonless Gown. Until you see it deactivate the skill, anything you do will be repelled back at you for greatly increased damage. So yeah, now you get to slowly drag down the boss that already takes much less damage from most things every third turn or so. Yay. This is annoying as hell, but not what people are probably remembering as the absolute worst possible thing. That can only really happen at low health, when she gets her final move.

Night Queen does heavy Almighty damage and inflicts random status on everyone. The two big risks of this are that it can Enrage people into blowing themselves up with Moonless Gown and that it can Charm people into casting FUCKING DIARAHAN on the boss making you start the Death phase over again. So yeah make sure you either have the Heart Item that negates Charm, the Heart Item that negates all status effects, or the passive skill from Asura that does the same. That, or just blow the bitch up with Armageddon.
Unfortunately, that doesnt change the fact that it will one day come for us all.
Video- Deaths Descent

Nyx Avatar: Such a pity
You understand fate, yet you still fight against it with all of your will
If more people were like you, then perhaps the Fall could have been prevented
but its too late now.
Because yeah.

Nyx was the Dark Hours moon.

Wait.. no, thats not it! Is the moon getting closer!?
So yeah we were supposed to fight the damn moon.

It will soon descend upon us all.
> Meanwhile, at Tatsumi Port Island
Needless to say that was bullshit.

Brown-Haired Man: I thought I was
> Though the Dark Hour has yet to end, the peoples Transmogrifications are wearing off
Young Man: Whoa, what the hell is that!?
Whats that awful looking tower doing there!?
Bespectacled Man: Never mind that, look at the moon!
Am I crazy, or is it getting closer!? I-Its falling out of the sky!
Believer: Amazing Look at the moon
Hahaha, this is incredible! The end of the worlds really come !
Its here at last!
Hahaha Ahahahahaha!
Young Woman: Eeeek!
Brown-Haired Man: R-Run! Its a monster!
Terrified Man: I-Its the end! The world is ending!
Quivering Man: No, no This is all a dream If I can just wake up
> Countless yells and screams fill the city
> All hell has broken loose

Im the one who said well always be connected
Thats how I know youre still hanging in there, Fuuka.
Im scared as hell right now
but I wont give up!
Right, Fuuka!?
> Tartarus peak
> You can hear pandemonium in the city
So yeah the moon started attacking us with waves of unspeakable force.

How marvelous! I cannot believe the moment has finally arrived!
> Takaa has come crawling from the floor below

> Takaya slowly closed his eyes

And still my friends never gave up. Not even in the face of death itself

Nyx Avatar: Give in

> Your consciousness is fading

My vision began to swim
Video- The Universe

But it seemed it wasnt yet my time to die.

> The Velvet Room ?

This isnt the afterlife Youre still alive.
Do you remember what I once told you ?
How the strength of your Social Links will determine your potential?
Listen Can you hear the many voices?
Each ones power is limited Yet, they all reach out to you
Can you feel them?

And that we werent the only ones who wished to defy death.

> The powerful emotions of your friends are flowing into your heart

But I truly believe that you can overcome any obstacle.

You always helped me out. Now its my turn to help you

I can feel from here that youre doing your best
You have to believe that youre not alone either

You showed me how to be tough!
I wont give up.

I am ere for you like you were zere for me!

Well, I suppose you did teach me a thing or two about loyalty

Well, you taught me that runnin away never solves nothin
so Im here for ya, kid.

But, you cant just give up You taught me that.
And then I remembered that as long as you touched the lives of others, even when youre gone youre not really dead. And so I found in them the power to defy death itself

Separately, they are weak But together, they will bring about a great change in you.
Now is the time to draw on the truth strength of the bonds you have forged!
I never dreamed of seeing that card with my own eyes
This is indeed a surprise
Behold the last power you and I shall unveil
It is the power to bring about a new beginning, or the ultimate end.
It may be possible now, with this newfound power
You may be able to defeat the one who cannot be defeated.
What you have in your hands is the power of the Universe
Nothing is outside the realm of possibility for you now.
> Through the strength of the bonds you formed, you obtained the Universe

You must accept your destiny.
Our contract has been fulfilled I have completed my role as well.
You were a truly remarkable guest.
The elevator reached the top.

And I found myself back on the roof of Tartarus.

> Tartarus peak
> Under the intense waves of power from the falling moon that are crushing your friends
> Everyone is fighting it witih all their might
> But

How can you move !?
> Your body feels light

Wait Are you going to go alone!?
What was coming next was something only one of us had to do.

Come back, you idiot!
> You began to float toward the coruscating pool of power in the sky
> Into Nyx
No matter how much I wanted to bring them, I knew this was my burden to bear.

It was up to me to face down the Mother of Shadows.

The power of death itself bore down on me
Video- Nyx

Burn Your Dread
Unfortunately for Nyx, it just wasnt my time yet.

> The power of friendship surges in you!
> You cant fall here !

> Aelita is recovering HP!

> A new power is yours!
Because it was time for the unstoppable force to meet an immovable object.

There are aspects of what happened next that are fuzzy. I sort of, I dont know, felt everywhere at once.

I know I got my friends somewhere safe. Or maybe Nyx did that, because I wanted it to happen. It doesnt really matter I guess.
Video- The Greatest Question


Try again! She cant be the only one !

In fact, we came here knowing we would most likely die.

This is what I was trying to prevent!

I refuse to believe that youre gone!
Answer me!
I know you can hear me!

It was hard to reach them, like they were so far from me. Still, I gave it my everything to let them know I was alright.

Familiar Voice: Dont worry.

Familiar Voice: I will sleep once again.
Normal days will return to this universe, for you and for her.

Familiar Voice: Shes found the answer to lifes greatest question.
It just happened a bit sooner than it will for the rest of you.

Familiar Voice: Aigis Youll find the answer one day as well.
You, too, are a precious living thing
You just need to realize how the bonds of friendship have changed you

Familiar Voice: The Dark Hour will soon vanish from this world
All will truly be relinquished from its dominion, and the legacy of life will continue.
Congratulations, you have the miracle you sought.
We shall meet again some day
I know they ended up outside of Tartarus.

Wait, look!
The dread Tower was beginning to fade into the sky.

And as though it had never been, the Dark Hour ended. And once more, I was reunited with those I care about most.

Look !
Aelita-san !

Takaya was right about at least one thing, Ill give him that.

> Tears are running down from Aigiss eyes, despite the fact she is a robot

> In the midst of your warm welcome back, the Dark Hour is quietly coming to an end
> This time, never to return
You never know how long youve got left, so you have to live each day like it could be your last.

> By an unexpected miracle, the world was saved from the Fall.
> Peace was restored, and people resumed their busy lives.
> No one remembered anything about the extraordinary turn of events.
> And so, the season changed
Im probably not going to write much between now and Graduation Day. That story, the joys and sorrows of normal life thats not this story. Ill pull this book out one last time then, when its time to write about how this story ended.